Take What You Can't Get
Nov 18 - Dec 31, 2020
A site specific and virtual exhibition.
Inspired by the role of artists as imaginators, and agitators, from the 1930s to the present day, Take What You Can't Get embraces our current moment of multilayered crisis (economic, racial justice, leadership, health) as an opportunity for artists to actively imagine a more desirable future. The exhibition's title addresses pre-existing artworld expectations of austerity and extreme inequality - that artists and art workers must take what they can get. The four projects, by three collectives and one artist, respond to the following questions: What do artists and art workers need now? What does our NYC community need now (and how can artists help)? What should we demand of our institutions - art or government? What does a more beautiful future look like?
Projects take place both on-line and in New York City throughout the duration of the exhibition. Curated by Christina Freeman.
Page will update as projects progress.
Click on the thumbnails to enlarge.


Strategic Transparency Collective

Francheska Alcántara

The Illuminator


Take What You Can't Get funded in part by the New York State Council on Arts and the
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs